Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Sept 5 - Photo a Day - Bright

Yoga in the Sun on Parliament Hill

Word of the day: Bright. And was it ever!

Although our evenings are beginning to feel cooler, and a few leaves have begun to hint at their neon autumn colours to come, today was a bright-blue-sky, beating-down-sunshine, perfect summer day to be surrounded by 580 Capital City yoga practitioners amping up their own beautiful brilliance.

I've always felt as though "hot yoga" would more closely resemble torture--or a one-hour visit to hell--than the delicious strengthening/stretching/relaxing practice that I've enjoyed over the past fifteen years. Working out to the point of sweating heavily is something I generally avoid. Dana has invited me to hot yoga classes in the past, which I've graciously (I hope) declined. Today, from noon to one o'clock, however, I soaked up the sun, drenched my t-shirt, and loved every minute of it. (And, admittedly, was blissfully grateful for the intermittent breeze.)

Next week is, unfortunately, the last of these events on the lawn surrounded by Canada's capital buildings. Unless it's pouring rain or five degrees hotter than today's 27C/81F, I will be there, stretching my body, opening my heart, and encouraging my light to shine. :)

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