Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 2013 Photo A Day Project - Week Two

WHEW! It's been a hot-and-humid, full-on summer week filled with old friends and new, delicious food, beautiful music, blue skies, abundant blossoms, and loads o'love. 

Hope yours has been a great one, too!

And so, onto Week Two of my photos...

July 8 - Path

Monday evening path to learning at the
ESL Adult Conversation Group





July 9 - Three Things

First three tomatoes on an "early" plant.
Running a bit behind this year.


10 - Smooth

Softest kitty, sweetest face, stealthiest hunter.




11 - I Wore This

My favourite hippie dress & Birks.
Walking to the Bluesfest.
(Namaste, Pierre!)












12 - A Bad Habit

Allowing invasive perennials to... invade my gardens.


13 - Four o'clock

The just-watered veggie bed at 4pm
(Though the giant white pine is lovely, this bed longs for more sun.)











14 - Edible

Delicious, though rarely eaten, daylilies.
(Contrary to common belief, these lilies are NOT toxic to cats!
Penny loves hiding in their foliage :))

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