Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sept 22 - Photo a Day - Up!

English and French Conversation Facilitators
Now THIS is a group of folks dedicated to lifting people UP! Volunteering at two of Ottawa's library branches and a community centre, these good people met this morning to share ideas, best practices, and laughs.

When I explained my reason for taking this shot (which was actually taken by our coordinator, since she insisted I be in it, too), there were a few quips: "Fed up?" "Shut up?" Ahh, how I love spending time with linguistic people who enjoy playing with words. :)

There's a runner up for today's photo, also. Pierre UPgraded my three-year-old- and his five-year-old cell phone! I went from my old Blackberry flip phone whose sim card had room for about five photos to the just-released tiny-but-mighty iPhone5. Yes... I have, at last, joined the twenty-first century.

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